Financial accounting brought to life with Hubro Business
- We use Hubro in the Financial Accounting course in our bachelor program, because it gives the students a practical and fun approach to the syllabus, says associate professor Per Ståle Knardal at Trondheim Business School.
Each year Per Ståle teaches financial accounting to more than 400 students. He has used Hubro Business in this course and several since 2017. Why?
- The simulation gives the students insight into what it means to run a company and is a great way to help them understand more practically what we teach them in class.
A well-integrated part of the course
- We use the simulation in parallel with lectures. The students work together in groups of 2 or 3 and spend a total of 8-10 hours on the simulation.
In addition to the base simulation, where the students manage their company's finances and operations, Per Ståle makes use of Hubro's optional exercise modules.
- A big benefit of Hubro Education's simulations is the flexibility. You can customize the simulation to your course by adding exercise modules that focus on certain parts of the syllabus. Our students have to complete two mandatory exercise modules: one for key figure analysis and one for budgeting and accounting.
In the exercises, the students do different kinds of analysis using the numbers from their own company. This gives the students a whole new level of interest and ownership to the exercises; it's not just another assignment on a piece of paper, but a recommendation for how they should manage their own company. This engages them and demonstrates the relevance of the subject matter.
High student satisfaction
- We’ve had lots of great teaching experiences with Hubro, says Per Ståle.
In the evaluation of the simulation, we're thrilled to see that 98,6% of his 400 students recommended that he continue using the simulation.
We thank Per Ståle for his kind words and look forward to continuing our collaboration!
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